Our core believes and most important values
Who we are…
We are a software company providing CAD/CAM NESTING software for cutting machines (Laser, Water jet, Plasma, Oxyfuel) with more than 30 years of experience.
What we do…
Development and marketing of CAD/CAM NESTING software systems. Development and optimisation of post-processors in close cooperation with machine manufacturers.
How we do it…
We know your requirements: for around 30 years we have been engaged solely in the development and optimisation of programming software for the cutting of all types of materials.
Our philosophy…
To supply the industry with a universal system, which can be used independently of the equipment manufacturer.
FINEST was developed in close cooperation with manufacturers and users of cutting machines right from the start. Our systematic and practice based knowledge is reflected in the ease of use, flexibility and diversity of FINEST.
We not only supply you with the right software, we also give support for an efficient usage in your production process.
We are always there for you at our office in the centre of the Rhine-Main region.
For our customer service we attach the same importance to precision as for our software. Qualified advice, individual customer care and comprehensive service are enduring elements of our range of services.
Our idea…
It is only through the knowledge of all the details of technology and application that harmonisation of the software with every type of machine can be achieved, and that all the specific functions of the equipment can be used to their optimum.
Our guiding theme is precision…
Accuracy can always be increased.
CAM CONCEPT concentrates on implementing the best possible results in cutting technology. For over 30 years we have been doing nothing else but developing and optimising programming software for the cutting of materials of all types. Today our systems are used worldwide, in companies of widely differing sizes in the widest range of sectors, for the production of cut parts. Our products meet the technological demands of modern material processing as well as the requirements of smooth and trouble-free production processes.
CAM CONCEPT works closely at all levels of development and application with manufacturers and users of cutting machines. It is only through the knowledge of all the details of technology and practice that harmonisation of the software with every type of machine can be achieved, so that all functions of the equipment can be used to their optimum. Our systematic and practice-based knowledge is documented in the ease of use, flexibility and variety of our software products.
In order to achieve this, we do not only supply you with the right software but we also ensure that its unrestricted efficiency is guaranteed.
Symbol for a mighty piece of software…
Frankfurt’s Hammering Man.
An emblem of the city of Frankfurt am Main is the “Hammering Man” by the American artist Jonathan Borofsky. The approximately 22 metre high statue, made of steel plates and aluminium, symbolizes the working man and it also stands for the unstoppable progress of time.
This work of art was cut by the Austrian steel company Wagner using FINEST CUT, and it denotes in many respects the achievement and performance of CAM CONCEPT’s software.
A successful team beats with one heart
Great work needs an inspiring environment to thrive. Check out our office
CAM CONCEPT has a passion for your success
We would be very happy to give you detailed information about FINEST and all the benefits which result from it for you. We go to the heart of your requirements with great precision, and we show you innovative ways by which you can achieve your goals simply and efficiently.